Did you know that a toilet bowl’s typical lifespan is 10 to 15 years? It can be even longer if it’s well taken care of. Read on to find out what are the things to look out for so your throne stays gleaming even after 10 years!
Great job! You’ve cleaned out your toilet bowl, your basin and taps and even your kitchen. But have you ever given a second thought to your cleaning tools? Dirty cleaning tools can harbor bacteria, mold, and grime, making them less effective and potentially spreading contaminants in your next clean. In this installation, we dive into post-product care and share some tips on how you can keep your tools in top condition.
Cloths and Microfiber Towels
Cloths and microfiber towels can trap dirt, grease and bacteria from the various surfaces it’s been in contact with. A thorough clean will lea..
Within the confined space of the bathroom, having the lush greenery of plants will help liven up the space. Aside from their aesthetic appeal, they also bring about several benefits especially applicable to Singapore’s hot and humid climate, such as purifying the air and regulating humidity levels.
Transform your bathroom with these five beautiful and functional plants that thrive in a bathroom environment and are low-maintenance with minimal care required.
1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)
Snake plants are versatile and can live with indirect lighting which makes them perfect for the ..
Faucets are probably interacted with the most on a day-to-day basis, from washing up in the morning to winding down at night, the faucet is a steady companion in our lives. This also makes them one of the most noticeable things in the bathroom and keeping it clean can go a long way in keeping us soothed throughout the day. Nobody would like it if they had to come face to face with water stains whenever they use the bathroom.
With the varied surfaces and colours of the faucets, cleaning them the right way is essential for them to keep their shine or colour just as when you first unboxed them..
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